
Marsh Harrier NEWS

Male Marsh Harrier returned to 2009 breeding site on 11th March,
followed by a female on 15th March.

Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus
by Mark Killops, Portmore Lough May 2009

Both birds remained at the original site (for 5-days), last seen together there on 20th!!

Visits, from 21st to 23rd March revealed no birds - then a male was seen coming from
the direction of Strangford Lough, carrying prey on the a/noon of 24th, flying south-east !!

Found both birds later that afternoon at a new site, approx. 4km from the original site and there
they remained until the appalling weather at the end of March & early April !!

Due to the poor weather (snow, rain, high winds etc. etc.), the site was not visited from 28th
March to 2nd April. Visits specifically on 3rd, 4th & 5th April, and several visits later in the month
revealed no harriers - they appeared to have suddenly and prematurely deserted the area - reason
unknown at present ?? Displaying was observed and stick collecting by the male was also seen - so
the birds appeared to be reasonably happy at their new abode ??

Many thanks to Don Scott for this update

For more information (on every species of Harrier in the world!) check out Don's book:

'Harriers: Journeys Around The World'

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