
Sunday 25th April News

Ring Necked Duck, 2 drakes, Oxford Island
Ring billed Gull - 1, (adult), Quoile Pondage
Common Sandpiper - 2, Oxford Island
Whimbrel - 20, Myroe, Lough Foyle
Whimbrel - 30, Oxford Island
Common Tern - 2, Oxford Island
Little Gull - 3, Quoile Pondage (along with Common Tern, Little Egret and Swift)
Glaucous Gull - 1, Ballyhalbert, Co. Down
Osprey - 1, Oxford Island, Lough Neagh
White Wagtail - 50, Wheatear 8 (inc. 2 Greenland types), Longfield Point
Cuckoo - 1, Peatlands Park

Grasshopper Warbler - 3, Peatlands Park

Above: Osprey, Oxford Island by Ed O'Hara

Above: Ring-necked Ducks, Oxford Island by Mark Killops

In Donegal, the drake Ring Necked Duck was still present at Inch lake. This bird is associating with a female Pochard.

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