
BCNI Event - Co. Fermanagh, Sat 5th June

Northern Ireland Branch of Butterfly Conservation are holding an event in Co, Fermanagh on Saturday 5th June 2010. Details are shown below (from

Saturday, 5th June 2010
West Fermanagh (H227445)
Meet at Round 'O' Quay, Brook Park, Enniskillen at 11:00am. This event will be a butterfly safari around sites in west Fermanagh, target species being the Dingy Skipper, the endangered Marsh Fritillary butterfly and Narrow Bordered Bee Hawk-moth, all Northern Ireland priority species.
See,-7.64919|18|4&bd=useful_information&loc=GB:54.34899:-7.6493:18|bt63%205dq| for meeting place which is on the right (north) side of "Lough Shore Road" leading west from Enniskillen to Portora School, which lies on a hill to the right somewhat beyond the Round O Quay.

To give a bit more detail, if the weather is favourable (which of course cannot be guaranteed), we may see a good selection of the following species.

BUTTERFLIES: Dingy Skipper; Real's Wood White; Green-veined White; Orange-tip; Green Hairstreak; Small Copper; possibly Common Blue (which has already been seen in Co. Antrim, well ahead of its normal appearance); Peacock; Marsh Fritillary; Speckled Wood; Small Heath and perhaps 1 or 2 other resident and even migrant species (though so far I know of only 1 Red Admiral and no Painted Ladies in 2010 in Northern Ireland).

MOTHS: Six-spot Burnet, Emperor; Common Heath; Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-moth; Cinnabar; Small Purple-barred, Mother Shipton, Burnet Companion (macros), Irish Plume moth (micro), etc.

Thanks to Ian Rippey for this update