
Sunday 2nd May News

Pale-bellied Brent Goose - 900, Dundrum Bay
Purple Sandpiper - 12, Ballycastle Bay, Co. Antrim
White Wagtail - 1, Ballycatle Bay, Co. Antrm
Ring Ouzel - 1, Glenhead, Co. Antrim
Whinchat - 1, Glenhead, Co. Antrim
Grasshopper  Warbler - 1, Glenhead, Co. Antrim
Whitethroat - 1, Glenhead, Co. Antrim
Cuckoo - 2, Murlough NNR


 Above: Little Gull by Craig Nash, Quoile Pondage, Co. Down, April 2010
For more of Craig's photos visit:

Above: Whitethroats by Craig Nash, Killard NR, Co. Down, May 2010
For more of Craig's photos visit:

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