
Thursday 13th May News

Very little to report today:
Common Sandpiper - 1, Collector's Bay, Quoile Pondage, Co. Down

Check out these photos, taken by Danny Boyd at Port Ballintrae early this week, of a Herring Gull and an expectant female Eider!

Butterfly and Moth Update
The first Small Copper of 2010 has been reported in Northern Ireland;
11/05/2010 Small Copper (2) Murlough NNR, Co. Down George Monteith
This now makes 14 butterfly species seen in Northern Ireland this year (*Dingy Skipper, Reals Wood White, Large White, Small White, Green-veined White, Orange-tip, *Small Copper, Green Hairstreak, Holly Blue, *Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock, Speckled Wood, and *Small Heath). Species asterisked (*) were seen for the first time in 2010 in May; all others were first seen in April apart from Large White (16th March), Peacock (9th March) and Small Tortoiseshell (19th March), There was a record of a Small White out of doors at Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim, on 10th January, but this it is felt must have pupated indoors so is not counted.
Incidentally there is a summary table of earliest and latest dates in 2010; see Summary Report for (2010) on the Butterfly Sightings Page at (this is also available for earlier years).
Hopefully Wall Brown, Marsh Fritillary, and possibly Painted Lady and even Common Blue may follow before the end of May, though perhaps not if the current cold weather lasts.

Thanks to Ian Rippey for this update.

Warning of extinction threat to Twite in Ireland - see here

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