
Thursday 27th May News

Red-footed Falcons were reported today at Kidlare and Tacumshin - will one be heading our way soon?
(Last Northern Ireland record - Long Pt., Lough Beg, May 1994, stayed over a week)

In the meantime here's some nice pictures of Chaffinches........

 can't tell me there isn't more out there than Chaffinches.
I spoke to soon!

Osprey - 1, still at Closet Bay, Oxford Island
Peregrine - 1, Altnadua, Castlewellan, Co. Down
Possible Wood Sandpiper - Quoile Pondage, Co. Down
  - Also present were a Common Sandpiper, pair of Shoveler, Whooper Swan and 2 Common Tern.

No Red-footed Faclons......yet (4 at Tacumshin, Co. Wexford today!)