
Wednesday 23rd June News

No bird news so far today. No news is good news (I don't think so)

Wrong Again! There was some news from today:

Hen Harrier - 1, Antrim Hills (Neil Harrison)

For those interested the Great Skuas from the other day would be the first breeding record for Northern Ireland.

No sign of the Terek Sandpiper today at Rogerstown, Co. Louth - it must be heading up here (if it has any sense).

Lies Lies Lies!

The Terek Sandpiper WAS seen last night - 19.00, Rogerstown Estuary, Co. Dublin. Near Blakes Cross before flying towards Beaverstown. Associating with Redshank (

Thanks to Geoff Campbell for alleviating the birdlessness with this picture of a Large Heath butterfly
Coenonympha tullia (above) and a Spring Hawker dragonfly Brachytron pratense (below)

The really good news is we've been in the top 200 in the Fatbirder Top 1000 rankings for a while now. Not bad considering we've posted more pictures of Herring Gulls than any other bird (usually the same individual!). We can safely say we're the most popular wildlife website in Northern Ireland - still plenty of room for improvement so if you feel like taking pity on us click on the Fatbirder link (bottom lefthand side of the page) and give us a vote! (How sad are we?)

For the latest UK bird news visit the rarebirdsinbritain blog

For the latest Irish bird news visit irishbirding