
Another Alicante Update

Here we go - it's that time of day again to make Derek feel better (we all know he's spent all his money on chips and bread) and print his daily imaginary list of birds from Alicante. There are rumours that he hasn't gone away on holiday at all and has locked himself in a toilet cubicle at Belfast International Airport but there are very few seagulls there so this is unlikely.

Calandra Lark, Rock Sparrow, Great Bustard, Little Bustard, Great Spotted Cuckoo, Black-bellied Sandgrouse, Stone Curlew, Montagu's Harrier, Marsh Harrier, Short-toed Eagle, White-headed Duck, Gull-billed Tern, Moustached Warbler, Western Reed Heron (hybrid)

Pin-tailed Sandgrouse

The real list consists of: 
Herring Gull with yellow legs, Black-headed Gull, some pigeons and a Black-headed Gull with an extra pointy beak