
Bird photos (definately not chickens) and competition update

Just add Oranges

Just in from Hawaii

Living in Antrim this boy isn't looking forward to Christmas

Yes it was too much to ask for us to go one day without Andrew posting a photo of a chicken. But to be fair it was more of a public announcement because if there is a killer chicken on the loose we need to know about it. Come to think of it Lisburn birders Dave and Orcilla Hadrick visit Newcastle every weekend and i don't think anyone has seen them for weeks, maybe the chicken has got them. If anyone knows the whereabouts of Dave and Orcilla please let us know although the other possibility is that they are still on one of their famous late lunch's!
Back to these babies and they are currently residing at Antrim Marina and are completely harmless unless you are holding some Pats Pan. While not wild birds they are certainly a little bit wilder than Chickens. When looking at them i began to wonder about Andrews mate the potter and could he make cooking pots for Geese and Ducks as well. I would say these things would be good in the pot! Also i wonder would he do a Squirrel Brick because last night i found another dead roadkill squirrel! I was going to take a photo but this one was completely flat and although our readers put up with a lot i think a squashed squirrel is just too far! But on the upside the seawatching season is not far away!
Good news on the competition is that we have now 280 entry's although 46 of these are from the same guy in Cork. Unfortunately all his entries have been disqualified as the object being looked at is not a moth or a damselfly and is in fact a bird although we know how easy it is for him to make a mistake like that! So please try again our Cork friend!
No new photos sent and if people don't start sending photos we are going to get Ant and Dec to take over the running of this blog and i think we can agree that no-one wants that!!