
Chamber of Horrors: in real life!

Check out this post to the IBN this evening from Mark Shorten:

Escabeche of turtle dove with cod and low temperature egg

 Sorry for the long subject line but I am a little bit worked up today. I received in the post today from the Spanish Embassy my regular copy of Spain Gourmetour. This is a very high quality  Food and wine mag. which usually features some of the best in Spanish food and chefs. I get a copy being in the food business.
Any way I was a bit surprised to see a recipe for Escabeche of turtle dove with cod and low temperature egg. Now it sounds and looks fab (lovely photos) but do they really need 4 turtle doves. The restaurant featured goes thro about 1,000 doves a year. Cannot remember the last time I saw turtle dove here( memo to Spanish turtle doves do not go near Toledo).
The next recipe is Gazpatcho water with marinated thrush, which only needs 4 thrushes. It is reassuring to know that "thrushes in Extramadura feed on olives, which makes their meat tasty and firm". No wonder we don't eat them here as they feed on snails and slugtox.
I am trying not to be too much of a hypocrite ( I am not a huge fan of hunting but am in general not against it) but I feel my northern European sensitivities being are being offended by hunting of turtle doves and song thrushes in 2010.

Happy eating


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