
Friday 30th July News

Little Egret - 10, Dundrum Inner Bay South, Co. Down
Knot - 1, summer plumage, Killard Pt., Co. Down (Craig Nash)
Golden Plover - 1, juvenile, Killard Pt., Co. Down (Craig Nash)

Golden Plover by Craig Nash

Peregrine Falcon - 1, Killard Pt., Co. Down (Craig Nash)
Dunlin - 10, Killard Pt., Co. Down (Craig Nash)
Ringed Plover - 14, Killard Pt., Co. Down (Craig Nash)

Greenshank - 25, Blanket Nook, Co.Donegal
Ruff - 4, Blanket Nook, Co.Donegal
Whooper Swan - 5, Blanket Nook, Co.Donegal
Whooper Swan - 2, Inch Lake, Co.Donegal
Common Sandpiper - 12, Inch Lake Co.Donegal

(thanks to Ronan McLaughlin for above sightings)

Green Sandpiper - 1, also Blanket Nook, Co. Donegal (Wilton Farrelly)
Ruff -1, Blanket Nook, Co. Donegal (Wilton Farrelly)

Thanks to John Marshall from Coleraine for these great photos.


Black-headed Gull

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