
I can't believe it's another Alicante Update!

Yes, it's that time of day again to spread lies and mis-truths about Derek's birdwatching exploits in Alicante. According to his latest update this is the last lot of birds that he saw:

Moustached Warbler, Red-necked Nightjar, Bonelli's Warbler, Griffon Vulture, Firecrest, Rock Bunting, Nightingale, Golden Oriole, Black-eared Wheatear, Crested Tit and Melodious Warbler

Little Bustard
by Derek Charles

This all sounds very impressive but rumour has it that Derek was recently seen hiding behind the herring gutters factory at Killybegs, clutching onto 16 stale loaves of bread, unshaven and twitching nervously. A leopard can't change its spots.