
Monday 19th July News

Little Ringed Plover - 1 (juvenile), Seagahan Dam (close to the slipway), Keady Rd., south of Markethill, Co. Armagh (Clifford Sharpe)
Common Sandpiper - 12, Blackstaff River, Dundrum Inner Bay North, Co. Down

Thanks to Joe Devlin for these shots of todays Little Ringed Plover - 1st record for Co. Armagh

Here's some more of Ed O'Hara's pics from yesterday (when the sun was still about)

Grey Wagtails

Because we've got nothing better to do here's the long-awaited results to our Chamber of Horrors Competition Special - top prize a meal for two at Chez Veale Evening Bistro. With over 1200 entries this has been one of the most successful competitions we have ran to date - people have really showed enthusiasm when it comes to eating our native fauna.


The answer? The eardrum of a Sperm Whale. Yes, that's right the eardrum of a Sperm Whale (part of it anyway)! Unfortunately for us over 1000 people got this right and unless we want to bankrupt Chez Veale we can't offer any prizes this time but we will put all the names in a hat in a draw for 6 months membership to the NIBA.

Here's a picture of what we have to look forward to over the coming week. The Northern Ireland climate - the real reason behind hundreds of years of emigration (that and the fact not many rare birds turn up)

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