
Red Kites

Five Red Kite chicks have hatched in NI this year and the total number of birds released in to the wild is now 80.
This is the first breeding in Northern Ireland in over 200 years. However does anyone know for sure that Red Kites previously bred in Ireland? Feedback appreciated!

Red Kite Milvus milvus
by Joe Devlin, Ardilea, Dundrum Inner Bay North, April 2010

The late Willie McDowell viewed the status of Red Kite in NI as follows:

The early history of the Red Kite in Northern Ireland is somewhat confused by the indiscriminate use of the term "Kite" for a number of commoner species such as Common Buzzard and Hen Harrier.
Nevertheless, Thompson was inclined to believe that on at least four occasions the species had been seen at Glenarm Park, Antrim, Shane's Castle, Antrim (twice) and by William Ogilby in Co. Londonderry. All these occurrences where in the 1830s (Thompson 1838, 1849).
In any case there appears to be enough documentary evidence from elsewhere in Ireland to be fairly confident that the Red Kite was a breeding bird in Northern Ireland (D’Arcy 1999).
From this time the Red Kite remained unrecorded in Northern Ireland until one was seen by A. Hillis on 17th December 1951 near Milltown, Co. Down (Deane 1954).

Source, 'A History of the Birds of Northern Ireland", W McDowell (unpublished).

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