Saturday 3rd July News

Scaup- 3, male Dargan Bay, Co.Antrim
Eider - 800, Dargan Bay, Co.Antrim (flock of moulting males)
Eider - 300, Kinnegar, Co. Down (mostly females)
Bar Tailed Godwit - 20, Kinnegar, Co.Down
Arctic Tern - 20, RSPB Reserve Co.Down

Wonder what Mark is so desperate to see? It's not an advance copy of the Northern Ireland Bird Report but the Reed Warbler at Oxford Island NNR (pictured below). Thanks to Ed O'Hara for the pics.

A quick warning to anybody who might be birding tomorrow and comes across one of the Golden Eagles seen recently......

Time to go and make sure that my chickens are alright.

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