
Science Corner

Our aim is to entertain but also to educate - with this in mind we have conducted a series of experiments which will hopefully contribute to the advancement of science.

We all know seagulls like bread

What about 'luxury' bread?

Ever feel like you're being watched?

Here we go!! Science in action, seagulls like 'luxury' bread - fact.

Do you know what a cream bun means?


Crows, on the other hand, are more health conscious (due to their ability to read health labelling) and are only interested in the bread - thus justifying this entire experiment.

This experiment was unexpectedly cut short as some nice person phoned the police! Thankfully a couple of cream buns thrown out the window as I drove away at speed threw them off the scent.
So there you go - crows are smarter than seagulls and the next time anybody visits Killybegs looking for a mega they should try 'luxury' bread and cream buns instead.

Next time at Science Corner: Full Roast Beef dinner (with all the trimmings) versus Victoria Sponge