
Sunday 11th July News

Laughing Gull - 1 Ballycastle, Co. Antrim (Mark Carmody)
Little Egret - 3, Dundrum Inner Bay South, Co. Down
Black-tailed Godwit - 16, Dundrum Inner Bay South, Co. Down

Black-tailed Godwit - 400, Belfast Lough RSPB
Bar-tailed Godwit - 60, Belfast Lough RSPB
Greenshank - 17, Dundrum Inner Bay South, Co. Down
Curlew - 350, Blackstaff River, Dundrum Inner Bay North, Co. Down
Common Sandpiper - 1, Blackstaff River, Dundrum Inner Bay North, Co. Down
Dunlin - 150, Ballykinler, Co. Down
Sanderling - 1, Ballykinler, Co. Down
Whimbrel - 1, Dundrum Inner Bay North, Co.Down (Keith Bennett)

News from Cyprus is that the entrepid duo Dave and Orcilla have an ever growing list and they have added Spur Winged Plover, Pallid Swift, Crag Martin, Bonellis Eagle and Nightingale. Orcilla has spent a lot of the time gull watching much to Dave's delight and Orcilla can confirm that 95% of the adult Yellow Legged Gulls do have a complete black band on P5. She has asked us to pass this on to Klaus Melling Olsen which we are only too glad to do. Nice one Orcilla.
Also if you haven't been to see the Laughing Gull yet it might be best to do so quickly as the young Belfast Muckers on their summer holidays have started to throw stones at the gull. The little scally wags you just have to love them. On another note a Lizard was seen 2 miles from Ballycastle yesterday and there is no truth in the rumour that yesterday evening Chez Veale had added Lizard on Toast to their menu. It was in fact Lizard Surprise!

Thanks to David Steele for these shots of the juvenile Little Ringed Plover that was seen at Lough Beg on Friday (9th July)

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