
Thursday 29th July News

Laughing Gull - Ballymoney Co.Antrim (Geoff Campbell) On the roof of the Marine Hotel and Harbour area.
Red Kite - 9, Playrock viewpoint, Castlewellan,Co. Down (Shelagh Henry). 10 seen this morning (Robert Straughan)
Cuckoo - 1, Murlough NNR, Co. Down (Dan Bailie)
Common Sandpiper - 4, Belfast Harbour RSPB, Down
Greenshank - 1,Belfast Harbour RSPB, Down
Bar-tailed Godwit - 20, Belfast Harbour RSPB, Down

Thanks to Danny Boyd for the following photos taken along the Lagan Towpath today - a juvenile Blackcap and an adult and juvenile Little Grebe.

Thanks to Cecil Smyth for these pictures taken at Whitehouse Lagoon, Co. Antrim yesterday - a Black-tailed Godwit and some Grey Herons (or 'Hern Cran' as we like to call them in these here parts)

Last but not least here's a picture of a Common Blue butterfly feeding on a Marsh Helleborine by Tony Dodds - check out more work of photographers from the Northern Ireland Ornithologists Club at their website:

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