
Tuesday 27th July News

Greenshank - 13, Dundrum Inner Bay South, Co. Down
Teal - 8, Dundrum Inner Bay South, Co. Down
Turnstone -10, Dundrum Inner Bay South, Co. Down
Pale-bellied Brent Goose - 1, Green Island, Dundrum, Co. Down
Little Egret - 2, Dundrum Inner Bay North, Co. Down
Greenshank - 11, Blackstaff River, Dundrum Inner Bay North, Co. Down
Black-tailed Godwit - 8, Blackstaff River, Dundrum Inner Bay North, Co. Down
Sanderling - 200, Ballykinler Beach, Co. Down
Whimbrel - 2, Ballykinler Beach, Co. Down
Dunlin - 40, Ballykinler Beach, Co. Down
Ringed Plover - 37, Ballykinler Beach, Co. Down
Mandarin Duck - 2 (eclipse male and female), Newcastle Boating Lake, Co. Down

(All of the above Leonard Charles and Ed McGuiggan)

Mediterranean Gull - 1 (adult), Kilroot Beach, Co. Antrim (Clive Mellon)

Thanks to Ed O'Hara for sending in these two photos from Oxford Island, Co. Armagh, at the weekend - a Sedge Warbler and a Common Sandpiper

"Can you see me?"

Thanks to Cecil Smyth for sending this great photo of a Curlew, taken at Whitehouse Lagoon, Co. Antrim, yesterday.

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