
Tuesday 6th July News

Hen Harrier - 1, (male) Antrim Hills

Whinchat - 2, (pair), Antrim Hills. No sign of the juveniles but the windy conditions mean they could have been laying low.
Common Sandpiper - 3, Blackstaff River, Dundrum Inner Bay Co. Down
Greenshank - 2, Blackstaff River, Dundrum Inner Bay, Co. Down
Little Egret - 2, Blackstaff River, Dundrum Inner Bay, Co. Down

Late News:

Last night a Long-eared Owl was in fields beside Belfast International Airport, Co. Antrim

Again, not many birds around Northern Ireland today but at least I made it through another day without posting a picture of a chicken. You don't know how lucky you are - I have a series of photos of different looking chicken eggs (some of them are quite interesting) so if you want to be saved from this fate go out and find us some rare birds!

Thanks to Mark Killops for lightening the mood with this picture of an Oxford Island Reed Bunting with some fast food.

You can't have enough of a good thing so here's so more of Allen Gillespie's shots - this time taken in May of this year at Ballintoy, Co. Antrim

Common Eider Somateria molissima

Shelduck Tadorna tadorna

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