
Wednesday 21st July News

Sanderling - 88, Ballykinler Beach, Co.Down
Little Egret - 4, Dundrum Inner Bay South Co.Down
Little Egret - 4, Dundrum Inner Blackstaff River, Dundrum, Co.Down
Common Sandpiper - 17, Blackstaff River, Dundrum Co.Down
(thanks to Tony Dodds for all of the above sightings)

Whinchat - 1, male, Antrim Hills
Buzzard - 1, moulting adult, Antrim Hills
Kestrel - 1, adult, Antrim Hills
Reed Bunting - 2, Antrim Hills

Thanks to Danny Boyd for these shots of Common and Green Sandpiper taken yesterday at Belfast RSPB.

Green Sandpiper

Common Sandpiper

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