
When animals attack 2!

We're maybe being a bit hard on you with all this gore but shock tactics seem to work. Here's another dose just to remind you of the murderers all around that outnumber you by billions to one.

Blackfly Aphis fabae -one of the most deadly creatures we have encountered on our travels around the garden (if you're a row of broad beans). Indiscriminate in their carnage - these pernicious creatures are rumoured to have links to maoist terrorists.

I don't really know what to do with artichokes but I do know that ants like to set up stall in the middle of the globe. Totally unacceptable, they think they can just march in there and claim squatters rights. Add to this the fact that they 'farm' the aphids on the artichokes for honeydew and they are quickly losing brownie points with me. If it goes much further than this I might have to delete them from my Facebook account.

This one nearly made me cry - when starlings attack your cherry tree. Utterly callous - mindnumbing when you think that each of these could have grown into a cherry tree, in this sense it's prunus genocide. The NIBA is sending a representation to the United Nations to raise this issue.

We all like to be friends to the environment so here's a organic non chemical way to treat pests - feed them to the horde!

On the other hand  - you don't want to mess with this lot. Once I have them trained up I'll be unstoppable.

The NIBA - sharing bird information and gardening tips plus pictures of moths and dead things, we cover all bases.

Next: When Bacteria Attack! (there's some interesting mould on the cheese I found at the back of the fridge)