
When animals attack!!!!

If you thought the Chamber of Horrors posts were bad then wait until you get a load of this. Possibly some of the most graphic scenes of carnage and destruction we have ever put on this site. Warning - this is not for the faint-hearted so if you are easily offended look away now.

Above: An unknown silent assassin caused this scene of utter havoc amongst an unsuspecting group of runner beans minding their own business. A reward has been offered for the capture of the perpetrator dead or alive.

Above: With the swiftness of a marauding horde of mongols this innocent shrub was attacked by Gooseberry Sawfly Nematus ribesii - it didn't stand a chance, it was shown no mercy. I can hardly bring myself to look at this - simply barbaric.

Above: Large White Pieris brassicae - a remorseless killer. Responsible for the death and grievous wounding of millions of defenceless cabbages.

Above: There's not much you can say about this. I apologise for posting such a graphic image but somebody has to speak out about this and let the world know what's going on. One minute you're looking at a Blackbird thinking 'isn't that cute?' and as soon as you turn your back he commits murder in broad daylight. There is hope that this strawberry will recover but unfortunately it will remain traumatised and scarred for the rest of it's days.

Hopefully this public information broadcast will have highlighted just how large in scale this problem is. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings but people have a right to know that they're surrounded by murderers.