
Bird News 2 for 22nd August 2010

Great White Egret is still at the Quoile (Frank Carroll, Walter Veale et al). It is moving between Collectors Bay (sometimes out of sight to the far left of the hide) and the bay to the right on the way down to the Quoile before you get to the cattle ramp. A Little Egret, Green Sandpiper and 2 Common Sandpiper also seen.

Laughing Gull, Ballycastle Co. Antrim (T Ennis).

Balearic Shearwater 2, a Common Scoter, 50/60 Sandwich and 5 Roseate at St John's Point, and 13 Little Egret at Dundrum Inner Bay North off Ardilea (C & W Veale).

Ruff, 7 Juvenille, in the fields at Mullagh, 16 Dunlin and 9 Ringed Plover in the SW corner of Lough Beg (Londonderry) and 3 Little Egret along the W shore (D Steel).

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