
Bird News 29th August

2 Black-necked Grebe's were still present at Mullagh Co.Londonderry. (D. Steele)
Garganey a fem / imm, 22 Little Grebe, a high count of 210 Gadwall, 65 Shoveler, 37 Wigeon, 60 Coot and 150 Meadow Pipit in the south west corner. 5 Knot were at Mullagh.
A Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen near Downpatrick (Down)
Arctic Skua at Ballymacormick Point (R Weyl). 
2 RT Diver and a Peregrine Falcon were at at Kearney Point.Continuing with the run of Pectoral Sandpipers, John Lovatt found one today at Lough Oughter, Co. Cavan - a first County record?
An unconfirmed report of a Lapland Bunting on Rathlin Island Co.Antrim (Birdguides)  

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