
Bird News for 28th August

Fanad Head Co. Donegal. in two spells of seawatching (7am-8.30am and 4pm -7pm)produced a Wilson's Petrel which showed for an hour,also 1 Cory's Shearwater,4 Sooties, 1 Pom Skua,18 Storm Petrel (W.Farrelly)

Another Wilson's Petrel, 17 Sooty Shearwater, 19 Great Skua ,4 Pom. Skua's, 13 Arctic Skua's, 9 Arctic Tern's all passed Mellmore Head Co.Donegal

The two Glossy Ibis at Portmarnock Co Dublin were still present to-day. For anyone interested going to look for the Ibis, directions are heading for Dublin turn of at the Swords/Malahide turnoff,go through Malahide and head for Portmarnock which is about two and a half miles beyond Malahide once in Portmarnock you will see a Texaco garage, facing this is a large grass area were Mallard ducks are fed by the public the Ibis are coming on to the field,it's as easy as that.

1 Balearic Shearwater and a Great Skua passed by Burial Island Co.Down (which is on the outer Ards peninsula), also 1 ad Med. Gull on the beach south of Portavogie and a Reed Warbler at Ballyherly Co.Down.(R.Weyl)

2 Black-necked Grebe's, an adult and a juv. were at Mullagh Co. Londonderry and a Little Egret at Church Island.(K.Bennett)

Brent Geese continue to arrive on a daily basis there were 15 at the Maltings Co. Down along with a Wheatear and a Little Egret. (I.McKee)

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