
Friday 13th August News

Laughing Gull - 1, Ballycastle, Co. Antrim (on the roof of the amusemnet arcade)
Turtle Dove - 1, Ballykelly, Lough Foyle, Co. Londonderry
Osprey - 1, Bann Estuary, Co. Londonderry (fishing off the hide)
Yellow-legged Gull - 1 (juvenile), Bann Estuary, Co. Londonderry
Meditterean Gull - juvenile Mullagh Lough Beg Co.Londonderry (David Steele)
Arctic Tern - juvenile Mullagh Lough Beg Co.Londonderry (David Steele)
Little Egret - 2 Mullagh Lough Beg Co.Londonderry (David Steele)
Ruff - 1, Bann Estuary, Co. Londonderry (moulting male, black type)
Starling - 500+ flock Myroe Levels Co.Londonderry
Mediterranean Gull - 1 adult Myroe Levels Co.Londonderry (probably one of the birds from Ballykelly)
Golden Plover - 30 Myroe Levels Co.Londerry
Green Sandpiper - 1, Belfast Lough RSPB, Co. Down (Danny Boyd)
Ruff - Belfast Lough RSPB, Co. Down (Danny Boyd)
Little Egret - 10, Blackstaff River, Dundrum Inner Bay North
(including the ringed bird from yesterday)
Whimbrel - 1, Dundrum Inner Bay South, Co. Down

Late news from Thursday evening!
Garganey - fem/juv Lough beg Co.Londonderry (David Steele)
Osprey - Church Island, LoughBeg Co.Londonderry (David Steele)
White Tailed Eagle Lough Beg Co.Londonderry (Martin Keenan)
Ruff - 4 Lough Beg Co.Londonderry (David Steele)

Thanks to Danny Boyd for these images taken at Belfast RSPB today

Black-tailed Godwits

Green Sandpiper


What bird would have caused a massive twitch by our great grandfathers to York Street in Belfast in March 1858?

The bird was our one and only Stone Curlew for Northern Ireland (it hit wires)! The specimen is
with the Ulster Museum.

Thanks again to George Gordon for that teaser

Nigel Snell has sent these shots of Stonechats from Balloo Wetland in Bangor, Co. Down
Check out his websites here:

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