
Sunday 8th August News

No news yet, although it is half one in the morning and pitch black. nibirds - manned 24 hours a day by a crack team of inebriated birders.......ready for anything except driving after 5pm

Morning has broken......

Little Egret -5, Murlough Heronry, Dundrum, Co. Down (Dave and Orcilla Hadrick)
Little Egret - 16, Dundrum Inner Bay South, Co. Down
Greenshank - 11, Dundrum Inner Bay South, Co. Down
Whimbrel - 1, Dundrum Inner Bay South, Co. Down
Little Egret - 7, Dundrum Inner Bay North, Co. Down
Greenshank - 12, Dundrum Inner Bay North, Co. Down
Common Sandpiper - 8, Dundrum Inner Bay South, Co. Down
Jay - 3, Tirnascobe Road, Richhill (Andrew Poots)
Jay - 2, Stoneyford, Co.Antrim
Red Grouse - 2, Slievanorra Co.Antrim (Keith Bennet)
Scaup - 1, male Dargan Bay, Co.Antrim
Eider - 800, Dargan Bay, Co.Antrim
Merlin - 1 (male), Antrim Hills (Ian Dickey)
Hen Harrier - 1 (female), Antrim Hills (Ian Dickey)
Whinchat - 6 (juveniles), Antrim Hills (Ian Dickey)
Reed Bunting - 1 (juvenile) Antrim Hills (Ian Dickey)
Dunlin - 2, Ballykinler Beach Co.Down
Willow Warbler - 5, Castlewellan, Co.Down
Common Sandiper - 2, Quoile Pondage NNR Co.Down
Green Sandpiper - 1 (moulting adult) Belfast Lough RSPB Reserve, Co.Down
Common Sandpiper - 2, Belfast Lough RSPB Reserve, Co.Down
Ruff - 3 (2 juvenile and a male), Belfast Lough RSPB Reserve, Co.Down
Shovelor - 3, Belfast Lough RSPB Reserve, Co.Down
Long Tailed Tit - 6, Belfast Lough RSPB Reserve, Co.Down

No pics of birds so far today so I'm going to make you all feel warm inside by posting another couple of moths

 Archer's Dart Agrotis vestigialis

Antler Moth Cerapteryx graminis

Aren't they prettier than a Laughing Gull?

Breaking News - 'Star' ain't the only White-tailed Eagle doing the rounds in Northern Ireland at the moment. Word back from the Kerry reintroduction project and their satellite data means that there were singles at Loughareema and Lough Beg.

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