
Wednesday 11th August News

White Tailed Eagle, Lough Beg Co.Londonderry (David Steele) wing tagged and satellite tagged individual!
Greenshank - 6, Lough Beg, Co. Londonderry
Black-tailed Godwit - 27, Lough Beg, Co. Londonderry
Dunlin - 3, Lough Beg, Co. Londonderry
Ringed Plover - 2, Lough Beg, Co. Londonderry
Kingfisher - 1, Lough Beg, Co. Londonderry

(all of the above sightings Richard Weyl)

Oscar Campbell is back over for a holiday and had an
Arctic Skua - 1, Reedy Flat, Co. Armagh
Mediterranean Gull - 1 (juvenile), Reedy Flat, Co. Armagh
Little Gull -1 (second winter), Reedy Flat, Co. Armagh
Ruff - 5, Reedy Flat, Co. Armagh
Black-tailed Godwit - 20, Reedy Flat, Co. Armagh

(all of the above sightings by Oscar Campbell)

Kingfisher - 1, Sion Mills, Co. Tyrone (Brian Hegarty)
Green Sandpiper - 1, Dundrum Inner Bay North, Co. Down
Little Egret - 14, Dundrum Inner Bay North, Co. Down
Greenshank - 17, Dundrum Inner Bay North, Co. Down
Common Sandpiper - 5, Blackstaff River, Dundrum Inner Bay North, Co. Down
Wigeon - 1 (male), Dundrum Inner Bay North, Co. Down
Little Egret - 9, Dundrum Inner Bay South, Co. Down

Here's some more shots from Nigel Snell - this time of Ringed Plover and Dunlin taken on Millisle Beach last week.

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