
Bird News for Tuesday 21st Sept.

2 Lapland Bunting and a Snow Bunting were at Ramore Head Co.Antrim (R.Hoy) and at the same location there were 4 Wheatear and 15 PF Geese flew east (M.Tickner)

1 Great Skua was at St.Johns Point and an ad Med.Gull at the mouth of the Comber Estuary. (C.Murphy).

1 Little Egret was at Derrytrasna on the Armagh shore of Lough Neagh and 4 Whooper Swan at Bannfoot.( D.Knight)

The flock of 100 Greylag Geese at the Quoile pondage contained a small goose,but was not positively identified but it did resemble a juv. dark Snow Goose, so if anyone is birding there please let the blog know.

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