
Bird News Tuesday 14th September

Apart from the seawatch and Osprey sightings (below):
6 Curlew Sandpiper were at Belfast RSPB Reserve.
4 Wheatear (probably all Greenland) at CBO (Down) with a minimum off 600 Gannet, 250 Kittiwake, 300 Manx Shearwater, 80 Sandwich Tern and 100 auk (probably all Razorbill) offshore. 2 Great Skua and 5 Arctic Skua as well. (N McKee)
2 Swift were at Whitehead (Antrim) - (McCullough and G McGeehan)
5 Chiffchaff were on the path to the Lighthouse (I Enlander) 
3 Curlew Sandpiper, 4 Little Egret and 3 Brent at Ballycarry Bridge in Larne Lough.(McCullough)

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