
Bird News Update Saturday 18th September

Apart from the earlier news in the previous posting:
Matthew Tickner had at least one juv Black Tern near the Skerries off Ramore Head (Antrim) and a Wheatear and Peregrine on the headland.
Anthony Dodds had 3 juveniles Curlew Sandpiper at Belfast Lough RSPB Reserve.
A Swift was at Myroe Levels (Keith Bennett).
Richard Weyl had an Arctic Skua and 4 RT Diver at Burial Island (Down) and 4 Wheatear at Portavogie (at least 2 of them Greenland).
Look out for Blue Winged Teals, 8 have been recorded down south.

Photograph of the Pink-footed Goose which was present at the RSPB Harbour Estate. Thanks to Mark Killops for sending in the photo.

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