
Bird News for 2nd Oct.

Whitehead Co.Antrim had a steady movement of Gannets approx 1000 per. hr they were moving in a S.E. direction, along the seafront there seem to be a small fall of passerines with 60+ meadow pipits, and 30 Goldcrests. (I.Enlander)

Islandmagee had 6 Pink footed Geese NE of Ballycarry Bridge of Larne Lough. Ferris Bay area north of Islandmagee, had a Chiffchaff and a Sanderling, there was also 20 + Goldcrests in the area (I.Enlander).

2 Med.Gull (ad +2nd winter) at Cloghy Bay Co.Down (K.Bennett/R.Weyl).

Another Med.Gull (1st winter) was at Ballycastle Bay Co.Antrim(C.Guy)

Along Strangford Lough 2 Little Egret were at the floodgates,200 Golden Plover a Greenshank and 25 Bar-Tailed Godwit at Greyabbey Bay (K.Bennett)

Thanks to Ed O'Hara for the above photos from Oxford Island which shows a female Pochard with a band on it's upper mandible with the letters NT printed on it, possibly part of some type of tracking scheme, if anyone knows the real reason please let the blog know.We are here to educate.

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