
Bird News Saturday 16th October

On the Antrim side of Belfast Lough 2 Velvet Scoter were off Macedon Point and a Kingfisher at Whitehouse Lagoon (Paul McCullough).

An imm male Goosander was at the mouth of the river at Ballycastle (Antrim) before flying off - a new bird as the male there last year was an adult. 6
Whooper Swan were on the sea off Fair Head and a Common Tern at Cushendun
(Colin Guy).

Larne - Cairnryan ferry crossing - quiet on the bird front but 2 black-throated diver off Loch Ryan + mid-channel peregrine falcon flying towards Scotland - seemed to be coming from Antrim coast. 15 Common Dolphin (scarce in the north channel) off Loch Ryan + 15 Harbour Porpoise off Portmuck on the return leg. (I Enlander)

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