
Bird News Sunday 10th October

Photograph of the BBS at Kirkistown (I.Graham)

Buff-breasted Sandpiper - A bird is on the ploughed field at Kirkistown, Co. Down (G Armstrong)
There was also 200 Golden Plove in the field,lots of Skylark and Meadow Pipit and up to 4 Wheatear at less one of them showing signs of the Greenland race. Over the next few weeks this field is well worth checking.

An obvious movement of birds were passing through Black Head Co. Antrim this afternoon,they included 80 + Robin although this was a rough estimate they seemed to everywhere, 40+Long-tailed Tit were in a mixed flock which included other tit species and 70+Goldcrest, plus an unusual high count of 30 + Woodpigeon.(I.Enlander)

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