
Bird News for 10th Nov.

A Richard's Pipit was seen and heard in flight at Temain Hill which is between Garvagh and Limavady (D.Steele)

It is quite ironic that only last week the finder was watching quite a number of these large pipit's on the pivot fields in Dubai in 40 degrees heat, I am sure the last thing he expected to-day was finding one in is own back yard and the temperature, maybe not quite 40.

This is the 7th time that Richard's Pipit has been recorded in Northern Ireland, the first been back in 1968. The date fits in perfectly to all previous records,they tend to be a late autumn migrant(late Oct-early Nov.) A bird very hard to see on the ground most records are birds only heard while flying overhead, the call however is very distinctive like a House Sparrow shreep .

Elsewhere to-day 3 Waxwing were on the Ormeau Road,city side just before the bridge.(B.Douglas)

An imm. Great Northern Diver was at Kells Point, SW Lough Neagh. (D.Hughes)

The Ferruginous Duck and 35 Little Grebe were at Corbet Lake (F.Somerville/J.McKevitt).

A Jack Snipe and 2 Red Grouse were at Slieveard nr Gortin Forest (C.Mellon)

A remarkable record of a Woodcock, which flew across High St in Belfast city centre (R.Gray)

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