
Bird News Sunday 21st November

There are still large numbers of Waxwing along the River Lagan in Belfast.
The largest group spent an hour in the morning at the corner of the Ormeau
Embankment and Ravenhill Road before flying into Ormeau Park (John Pyper).
60 were still at Lagan Meadows (Bernard Anderson). At least 30 Waxwings were in the Stranmillis area - on both sides of the river near Cutters Wharf and Stranmillis Weir (James Robinson)
At Strangford Lough a GWF Goose and Slavonian Grebe were at Ann's Point and another 7 Slavonian Grebe at Greyabbey Bay South (Richard Weyl).

A Belfast Lough a Slavonian Grebe was at Greenisland (Gerard McGeehan). 

8 - 10 Little Egrets were on Lough Foyle (L McClatchey)
Three Black-throated Diver, one Slavonian Grebe and one Little Egret between Greyabbey and Kircubbin (James Robinson)

A first winter female Surf Scoter was at Murvagh, Co. Donegal (D Breen).

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