
Bird News 25th December

33 Brambling (two thirds male and one ringed) were in a garden in Carrickfergus. 3 Fieldfare, 2 male Siskin and 8 Lesser Redpoll were also
seen (Shirley Dunlop).
In south Down a Tree Sparrow (a new garden bird there) and Bramblings were at Killough. A Shoveler, Woodcock and 4 Tufted Duck were at Killough
Harbour. 22 Grey Heron, a female Gadwall and a female Scaup were at Ardglass Harbour. Lots of Snipe, 10 Woodcock, a Whooper Swan, Merlin, Buzzard, Kestrel and
Sparrowhawk were between Ballyhornan and Killard (the Snipe and Woodcock were along the side of the road). 4 Greylag were in fields at Kilclief and a
few Yellowhammers and Tree Sparrows also noted (all Chris Murphy).
A Blackcap was in a garden along Skegoneill Avenue in Belfast (Stuart McKee)
and a Fieldfare in a garden at Island Magee (Robert McDowell).
Dargan Bay, Belfast, this morning had 100+ Pochard in with the usual 500+ Scaup and 100 Tufted Duck. 
Also 25 Coot. 250 Dunlin at Whitehouse lagoon. (Keith Bennett)

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