
Bird News for Tuesday 21st Dec.

6 Brambling, 40 Chaffinch, 1 Lesser Redpoll 1 Treecreeper, 4 Song Thrush, 4 Goldfinch and 5 Greenfinch were in a garden in Killough.(C.Murphy)

5 Waxwing and 3 Brambling were in a garden at Prospect rd, Carrickfergus (Pauline Majury).
Waxwing, Carrickfergus - Pasuline Majury

17 Brambling were in a garden in Whitehead.(C.Moore)

A Brambling was along Waterloo Road in Lisburn at the gates to the reservoir.

A Brambling was at Magheraveely, Co Fermanagh (Stephen Scarlett)

90 Pied Wagtail were seen going to roost outside Iceland in Bridge St Belfast. (D.Clarke)

Scores of Redwing were seen in the Ballysillan/Cavehill area of Belfast. (A.Elliott)

Yesterday a Waxwing was along the hedgerow nr Cushendall Boat Club (C.McNaughton)

It is ironic that on the shortest day of the year that temperatures would drop as low as the date.

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