
Bird News Monday 20th December

70/80 Waxwings were in trees along Derry Road, Glengormley at 3.30pm today.

4 Waxwings, a Snipe and a Blackcap were along Skegoniel Avenue in Belfast and 16 Skylarks flew over Antrim Road Waterworks. (Stuart McKee).

3 Bramblings were still at Randalslough near Monea in Co. Fermanagh. (Brad Robson).

A Brambling was still present at Islands Park, Newcastle, along with 12 Siskins, 6 Redpoll, 10 Goldfinch, 30 Redwing and 4 Fieldfare.

A pair of Bullfinch, 4 Little Grebe, 55 Teal and 40 Wigeon were at the Ardilea inlet, Co. Down.

8 Yellowhammer were in a private garden in Ardilea.

At Greenisland there were 20 Grey Plover and 2 Red Breasted Mergansers.

At Keel Point there were 69 Brent Geese, 13 Black Tailed Godwit, 12 Goldeneye and 4 Bullfinch.

26 Purple Sandpiper, 35 Turnstone and 26 Redshank were at Newcastle Rock Pool.

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