
Bird News Sunday 19th December

The Ferruginous Duck was on the Closet River, Oxford Island, Lough Neagh (Garry Armstrong)
Circa 70 Waxwing were on the Whitewell Road, Belfast also a Blackcap was feeding in a garden beside the Waxwings (Ian Graham et al)
An estimated 800 Scaup were in Dargan Bay, Belfast (Wilton Farrelly)

Another 29 Waxwing were at Ballynure Co.Antrim (E.Flynn)

15 Waxwing, 20 LT Tit, 6 Fieldfare, 8 Redwing, and 4 Mistle Thrush were at Ballycastle(P.Ewart)

Around Belfast a Kingfisher was at Whitehouse Lagoon a female Blackcap at Hazelbank and 100 Tufted Duck amongst the huge Scaup flock at Dargan Bay(K.Bennett)

5 Brambling, 5 Fieldfare, 15 Redwing and 30 Lesser Redpoll were in a garden in Dunmurry (C.Acheson) - a pretty impressive garden list Chris.

A male Blackcap was at Scarva visitors centre and a Kingfisher at the canal.(Cairon Elliott)

A SE Owl was at Killard Co.Down with an impressive supporting cast which included 4 Woodcock, 25 Snipe, 3 Brambling, 3 Yellowhammer, 1 Merlin, and hundred's of Linnet, Goldfinch and Skylark. The female Smew was still at the Quoile pondage. (C.Nash)

A Sparrowhawk was in a garden in Bangor(F.Duffin)

Look out over the next couple of days for overwintering Blackcaps, the harsh weather is driving these birds into gardens in search for food.

For those who fancy a twitch the American Robin was seen to-day at Inishcrone in Sligo.

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