
Bird News Sunday 5th December

43 Brambling were at the Glenhead Road nr Glenwherry Co.Antrim,surely some type of Northern Ireland record.

Seven Waxwings feeding in gardens at the top of Brunswick Rd, Bangor (near the roundabout) this morning. Also a peregrine over the town centre. (James Robinson)

An adult Ring-billed Gull was at Dargan recyclying centre, Belfast
Four Velvet Scoters were off Macedon Point

Three Mealy Redpoll were at the Oxford Island Discovery Centre, Lough Neagh

The Ferruginous Duck was still at Corbet Lough, near Banbridge, County Down.

A Great Northern Diver was at Lough Beg (David Steele)

7 Waxwing were at Ballynure Cemetery Co.Antrim and a Kingfisher at the nearby Castle River. ( E.Flynn)

A Green winged Teal was a mile north of Ballycarry Bridge in Larne Lough, 2 Brambling in a garden in Whitehead.(C.Moore)

The ad RB Gull/ Common Gull hybrid was back at Millisle and 10 wintering Sandwich Tern at Drumfad Bay (R.Weyl)

The pair of Goosander was at Lough Island Reavy in south Down.(K.Bennett)

The ad. RB Gull and a 1st winter Med Gull were again present at Portrush east strand car park.(M.Tickner)

2 Mealy Redpoll were amongst a flock of 22 Lesser Redpoll at Causeway Meadow in Lisburn.( C.Veale)

A Little Egret was along the Six Mile Water in Templepatrick,the first time one has been seen there.

Out at Killard today there were 50+ Dunlin, 3 Bar tailed Godwit, 3 Snipe, 1 Woodcock, 4 Stonechat, 2 Grey Plover, 20+ Reed Bunting, 100+ Tree Sparrow, 30+ Lesser redpoll. Numerous Linnet & Goldfinch. (There is a crop field on way out to Killard that has literally thousands of birds feeding).
Tree Sparrows, Killard - Craig Nash

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