
Bird News Tuesday 28th December

A White phase Snow Goose was with 300 Greylag geese between Greyabbey and Anns Point, Strangford, at J570680 between 1100 and 1400. Ask permission to park at end of lane. Also 4 Pink-footed Geese and 1 Greenland White-fronts. 18 Slavonian Grebe and 4 Black-Throated Diver at nearby Greyabbey Bay. (Richard Weyl)
10 Brambling,2 Waxwing, and a Siskin were in a garden at Prospect Road in Carrickfergus.(P.Majury)
1w RB Gull and an ad Med.Gull were at Whitehouse Lagoon in Belfast. A Blackcap and a near pure white Chaffinch were in a garden in Hillsborough.(Jeff Higgott)
4 Brambling were in a garden in Ballyholme.
Another Brambling was in a garden this time in Coleraine.(irishbirding)
3 Twite and a Skylark at Sandy Bay, Male and female Brambling and a Yellowhammer at Curran Point, Larne Lough (Neal Warnock).
100 Siskin were at Antrim Marina (feeding on Alder) 50 Linnet and 50 Goldfinch were in gardens in and around the Parkhill Road in Antrim.
.A Little Egret,2 Stonechat,1 Bar-tailed Godwit,6 Brent, 50 Dunlin, and Turnstone were at Killard Point,the large flock of Woodcock that gathered there over the last few weeks have disappeared.(D.Gillespie)
60 Skylark were along Springwell Road in Groomsport and 30 Siskin just off the ring road at Balloo in Bangor.(G.Henderson)
Late news for yesterday from Larne Lough:
1 redhead Goosander, mouth of the Inver River, 6 Bar-tailed Godwit, 5 Greenshank and a Whooper Swan at Glynn Station, 4 Knot and a Carrion Crow south of Ballycarry Bridge. 210 Greylag, 43 Pink-footed Geese, 8 Whooper Swans and a Little Egret at Church Bay. (All Neal Warnock)

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