
Bird News for Sunday 23rd January

The American Herring Gull was still at Donnybrewer along with a 2nd winter RB Gull.

The RN Duck was still showing at Lough Money.(C.Nash)
2 Smew both female were at the Quoile pondage, one about 200 yards from the bridge, the second from the main hide. 3 Brambling were at the Quoile centre, a male Blackcap was giving good views at the RSPB Belfast Harbour Estate Reserve.

A Goosander was seen off Cusendall.(Brenda Campbell) see photo below

A minimum of 48 Brambling (amazing number) were visiting a garden in Richill.(A.Poots) see
photo below

A Chough was in the fields at Fair Head and 4 GN Diver at Red Bay. A Waxwing was along Ardenlee Ave in Belfast.(K.Bennett)

A second winter Med.Gull was at Ballyholme Bay and a Little Egret, 3 Carrion Crow, and 2 hybrid at Ballymacormick Point Co.Down.(R.Weyl)

The hybrid Common/RB Gull was at Millisle, 9 Slav.Grebe at Greyabbey Bay South and a Sandwich Tern at Ballyhenry Co.Down(G.Gordon)

2GN Diver were off Ballygally Co.Antrim, (photo below)there was also 12-14 Bottlenose Dolphin

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