
Bird News Saturday 22nd January

A day for Ring-necked Ducks with two seen.
A drake was at Drumgay Lough, Co. Fermanagh and a first winter male at Lough Money Co Down. This latter one is probably the Lough Cowey bird
Also at Drumgay Lough was a drake Scaup and 22 Whooper Swan. (Wilton Farrelly)
The Smew was seen at the bridge at the Quoile
24 Waxwing were at Ramoan Road, Ballycastle

In Co Down, 2 Sandwich Tern were at Portaferry Marina. At Marlfield were 30 Yellowhammer, 10 Tree Sparrow, 5 Reed Bunts, 100s of Chaffinch, 100 Skylark and a Greenfinch.
9 Slavonian Grebe in Greyabbey Bay South, 120 Golden Plover at Kirkistown along with a female Merlin. Kearney had 5 Scoter, a GN Diver and a passing Pochard. Mount Stewart had 20 Greenfinch (all Keith Bennet)

In Larne Lough, 52 PF Geese, 84 Greylag and the first winter Med Gull were at Ballycarry Bridge (Cameron Moore)

11 Brambling, 2 Blackcap and a Lesser Redpoll were in a garden in Belgravia, Belfast. 2000 Eider were off Grey Point, 30 Knot and 40 Black-tailed Godwit at Kinnegar Horehound, Co Down (J Whitla)

A Brambling was in a garden at Killough, 10 Tree Sparrow and a Twite were at Tyrella. 500 Common Scoter, 5 Scaup, 20 Razorbill and a Common Guillemot were off Murlogh.

15 Yellowhammer were along the Belfast Rd, Comber. (D Polley)

Blackcaps have been seen in a number of Gardens e.g. Larne (Derek Polley) and east Belfast

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