
Bird News Sunday 9th January

Purple Sandpiper - Gavin Ferguson

A Grey Phalarope was off Portstewart and the Ring-billed Gull was still at Portrush East Strand car park (Birdguides)
The female Smew was still showing well at the coal quay on the Quoile pondage.
A female or immature Smew was at Clea Lakes. (Richard Weyl).
A Brambling was in a private garden at Magheraveely, Co Fermanagh (Stephen Scarlett)
Another Brambling and two Siskins were coming to the feeders at the RSPB Harbour Reserve (see photo's below)
10 Bramblings, 3 Siskins, 3 Lesser Redpolls, 12 Chaffinch, 6 Greenfinch and 10 Long Tailed Tits were in a garden in Whitehead. (Shirley Dunlop).
4 Waxwing were on the Castlereagh Road (Wilton Farrelly)
9 Bramblings were in a garden in Whitehead and a 1st winter Mediterranean Gull and a Greenshank along the seafront. A Little Egret was at Ballycarry Bridge. (Cameron Moore).
A male Blackcap was at the Quoile visitors centre.
9 Little Egret were at Castle Espie (Paul Scott)
Along the north coast 20 Pink Footed Geese flew east at Ballintoy and 4 Purple Sandpipers were also noted. (Chris Murphy).
A Blackcap was in a garden in Bessbrook in south Down. (Frank Carroll).
2 Crossbill were at Gortnagally pony trail at Slieve Beagh in Co. Tyrone. (Colin Bell).
A 2nd winter Mediterranean Gull was at the river at Ballyholme Bay before flying off to Ballymacormick Point. (George Gordon).

Smew, Quoile Pondage - Philip West

Brambling Belfast Lough RSPB Reserve - Ian Graham

Siskin, Belfast Lough RSPB Reserve - Ian Graham

Fieldfare - George McKee

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