
Bird News Thursday 6th January

The Ring Necked Duck was still at Lough Cowey. (Ed O'Hara).

8 Twite were at Briggs Rocks, Co. Down (Ron Price)

2 Waxwing were at Ormonde Gardens, Castlereagh Road, Belfast (Wilton Farrelly)

The Snow Goose, 4 Pink Feet, 1 Greenland Whitefront and 350 Greylag were in the fields north of Greyabbey.
A Little Egret and a Greenshank were at the pool in the field at Anne's Point

A Hen Harrier and 3 Sparrowhawks were over the trees behind the carpark at Newtownards Sailing Club.

4 Slavonian Grebes were in Big Rock Bay south of Greyabbey.

A Little Egret was on the shore at the south end of Kircubbin

30+ Yellowhammers were with a mixed flock of Chaffinches, Tree Sparrows, Linnets and Skylarks at the south end of Marlfield Road north of Portaferry. (All Ed O'Hara).

Around Belfast 4 LBB Gulls were at Kinnegar shore and a Brambling at the RSPB Harbour Reserve. Another LBB Gull was at Whitehouse Lagoon and a LT Duck and 4 Common Scoter at Macedon Point. (S.McKee)

Along the north coast the ad RB Gull was at P'rush East Strand car park and the 2w Med.Gull at the car park to the east of Ramore Head.(M.Tickner)

A Green Sandpiper was seen in flight at Collector's Bay at the Quoile Pondage and a Brambling at the Quoile visitors centre.(D.Blakely)

A Snow Bunting has been visiting a garden in Newry from New Year's Eve.(A.McEvoy)

Snow Goose, South of Anne's Point, Greyabbey - Ed O'Hara

Yellowhammer, Marlfield Road - Ed O'Hara

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