
Bird News for Thurs.17th February

Thanks to Ed O'Hara who sent in this photo of the Brambling currently visiting the RSPB Belfast Harbour Estate reserve

12 Snow Bunting and an adult Mediterranean Gull were at the car park at
Greenisland. 6 LT Duck were offshore (Gerard McGeehan).

There are 2 DB Brent at Larne Lough. One was off Glynn Station where 2
Carrion Crow and 2 Greenshank were also present. The other was with 100
Pale-bellied Brent and 2 Little Egret at Steel's Point on the Island Magee
side. 4 Whooper Swan were at Church Bay (Cameron Moore).

Yesterday what were almost certainly 69 PF Geese were with Greylag and
Whooper Swans at Grange along the River Foyle (George Henderson).

GS Woodpecker was coming to feeders in a garden in Parkgate, Ballyclare Co.Antrim. (Mrs McKee)

A BT Diver and a Slav.Grebe wre at Kircubbin.(H.McCullough)

3 Redwing were at Lincoln Court in Londonderry.(S.Davis)

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