
Bird News Sunday 20th February

The first winter male Ring Necked Duck was at Lough Cowey. 2 Black Throated Diver, 2 Pink Footed Geese. 50 Greylag and a Sandwich Tern were at Ringburr Point. Another 9 Sandwich Tern were at Portaferry (Richard Weyl).
The Lesser Scaup type hybrid was with 50 Pochard at Lough Beg. 5 Pink Footed Geese were at the Creagh (David Steele).
41 Waxwing were at Sainsbury's car park in Carrickfergus (Gerard McGeehan, Stuart McKee).
12 Long-Tailed Duck were off Greenisland Sea Park (Gerard McGeehan).
Yesterday the male Ferruginous Duck was at Lurgan park Lake (Stephen
Also yesterday 45 Slavonian Grebe were in Strangford Lough between Greyabbey Bay and Gransha Point - 38 of them at Greyabbey (Richard Weyl).

23 Whooper Swans were outside Enniskillen. (Irish Birding).
18 Whooper Swans were in the Closet Meadows at Oxford Island and two Ruddy Ducks were in Kinnegoe Bay. (Ed O'Hara).
2 Whitefronted Geese were at Knockinny, Co. Fermanagh. (Brad Robson).
The male Smew was still at Drumgay Lough, Enniskillen. (Brad Robson).

Thanks to Ed O'Hara for these shots from Co. Armagh today

Great Crested Grebe, Oxford Island - Ed O'Hara

Cormorant, Balancing Lakes, Craigavon - Ed O'Hara

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