
Talk Tommorow Night - A reminder

A reminder that Martin Garners talk will be taking place at 7:30 tomorrow (Friday 11th February) at CIYMS, Circular Road, east Belfast. There is no charge for NIBA members, for non members there is a £3 cover charge. For anyone needing to know the location of the venue, click on the link below:,+93+Circular+Road,+Belfast,+BT4+2,+United+Kingdom&aq=&sll=54.605184,-5.859157&sspn=0.01034,0.041456&ie=UTF8&hq=CIYMS,&hnear=93+Circular+Rd,+Belfast+BT4+2,+United+Kingdom&z=15

There is plenty of car parking on site and refreshments are available.

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